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Musculoskeletal injuries in US Air Force Tactical Air Control Party trainees: an 11-year longitudinal retrospective cohort study and presentation of a musculoskeletal injury classification matrix
Transferable military medical lessons from the Russo-Ukraine war
Use of symptom-guided physical activity and exercise rehabilitation for COVID-19 and other postviral conditions
Sex differences in musculoskeletal injury epidemiology and subsequent loss of tactical readiness during Marine Corps Officer Candidates School
Understanding the musculoskeletal injury risk of women in combat: the effect of infantry training and sex on musculoskeletal injury incidence during British Army basic training
Effect of a mobile-based educational app on blood pressure of patients with hypertension
Veterans' experiences of moral injury, treatment and recommendations for future support
Prevalence of chronic non-cancer pain among military veterans: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
Accuracy of heart rate measured by military-grade wearable ECG monitor compared with reference and commercial monitors
How long is Long-COVID? Symptomatic improvement between 12 and 18 months in a prospective cohort study
Moral injury and quality of life among military veterans
Management of war-related facial wounds in Ukraine: the Lviv military hospital experience
Osteoarthritis in the UK Armed Forces: a review of its impact, treatment and future research
Red cell haemolysis secondary to intraosseous (IO) blood transfusion in adult patients with major trauma: a systematic review
Peer-based intervention for acute stress reaction: adaptations by five militaries
Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment-Achilles thresholds for minimal important change and return to presymptom activity level in active soldiers with mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy
Ethical tensions in delivering Defence Engagement (Health)
Relationship between combat-related traumatic injury and ultrashort term heart rate variability in a UK military cohort: findings from the ADVANCE study
Effect of sex and combat employment on musculoskeletal injuries and medical downgrading in trained military personnel: an observational cohort study
Allocation of funding into blast injury-related research and blast traumatic brain injury between 2000 and 2019: analysis of global investments from public and philanthropic funders