Thank you to our reviewers
The editors would like to publicly acknowledge the people listed below who served as reviewers on the journal during 2024. Without their efforts, the quality of the journal could not be sustained.
Michael Almond
Sophie Arana
Nicola Armstrong
Eliza Babych
Michael Bailey
Steven Ball
John Barbur
Robert Barker-Davies
Ed Barnard
Martin Barwood
Ammani Bashir
David Bates
Alastair Beaven
Zine Beech
Fearghal Behan
Philippa Bennett
Beverly Bergman
Jodie Blackadder-Weinstein
Sam Blacker
Fiona Bloomer
Doug Bowley
John Breeze
Martin Bricknell
Jenny Burbage
Rui Caetano Garcês
Fábio Campos
Anna Casey
Robyn Cassidy
Nicolas Cazes
Shaun Chapman
Marcus Clarke
Vicente Javier Clemente-Suárez
Celeste Coltman
Ross Cook
Charlotte Coombs
Claudia Copestake
Russell Coppack
Professor Damien Coyle
Wilkins Dan
J Davies
Rhys Davies
Sarah De La Motte
Jace Drain
Renaud Dulou
Sheena Eagan
Neil Eisenstein
Allison Eke
Matt Ellington
Evan Ewers
Ian Ewington
Thomas Falconer Hall
Marco Filippi
Alan Finnegan
Luca Fiorillo
Graham Fordy
Stephen Foulis
Karl Friedl
Brian Gavitt
Elbert Geuze
Robert Gifford
Kaj Gijsbertse
Jacob Glaser
Tyson Grier
Joshua Grubbs
Andrew Hall
Lynette Hamlin
Debra Hayhurst
Kieran Heil
Jonathan Herron
Oliver Hill
Jens Hillingsø
Katrina Hinde
Lesley Hoggart
John Holcomb
Toby Holland
Simon Horne
Richard Howes
Nagpal Hoysal
Anne-Marie Hutchison
Robert James
Graham Johnson
Andrew Johnston
Bruce Jones
Edgar Jones
James Karl
Karen Kelly
Itay Ketko
James Kile
Michael Kjaer
Yoram Klein
Ella Kulman
P Ladlow
Tahaniyat Lalani
Lucy Lamb
Marie-Andree Laroche
Elizabeth Lee
Daniel Leightley
Jedge Lewin
Seth Makin
Lee Margolis
Max Marsden
Alexander Martin-Bates
Renato Massaferri
James Mcnicholas
Danielli Mello
Daniel Messelken
Benjamin Metcalfe
Gerwyn Michael
Kirsten Morris
Mark Morrison
David Naumann
James Ness
Nicolas Newell
Phil Newman
Nicholas Newton
Edward Nicol
Thomas O'leary
Oliver O'sullivan
Thomas O’leary
Matt O’shea
Vahur Ööpik
Darin Padua
Caroline Page
Heather Pangburn
Paul Parker
Phill Pearce
Katherine Pohlman
Bianka Probert
Harry Pugh
Harvey Pynn
Adam Reckless
John-Joe Reilly
Tara Reilly
Jeffrey Ricks
Dennis Ritter
David Ross
Jonny Round
Michael Russell
Sankalan Sarkar
David Schindler
Thomas Scorer
Robert Scott
Timothy Scott
Andy Siddall
Ciaran Simpkins
Andy Simpson
Ellen Slungaard
Gregory Smith
Jason Smith
Ed Spurrier
Helen Stammers
Joanne Stannard
Eric Stedjelarsen
Andrew Stuart
Richard Sullivan
Cara Swain
William Sweeney
Ben Taylor
Hannah Taylor
Jean-Nicolas Tournier
Jeffrey Turner
James Vassallo
Scott Walper
Sophie Wardle
James Watson
Alan Weir
John Whitaker
Jodie Wills
Col David Winkler Phd
Stephen Woolley
Tom Woolley
Mark Yazer